Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 1, HOME from Maui

The amount of gratitude I am feeling for this place is surprising even me. It's overwhelming to be back but it feels so good.
There is so much to do and so much to say. This post will be short but there is plenty more to come. I don't know if I can do one post to sum up the last 3 months so it might be broken up in to a few over the next week or so.

Day 1 home. Today's agenda:
*catch up on emails.
*get together earring supply tools and prep for production (excited to see if any new designs come to me)
*explore the changes in the garden. There will be weeding! And HARVESTING!
*declutter (after living out of a backpack for 3 months you realize how little you really need)
*call the fam-bam & tell the same stories over and over

I think that's about all I can handle for the day.
I can't wait to share all my Maui photos with you.


  1. The only places I get homesick for are Maui and California in that order. I'll likely never see them again.

  2. Welcome back! I look forward to hearing about your adventures once you get settled :-)
